Monday, February 16, 2015

I didn't forget.

I've been working, I haven't forgotten about this.  I got vto tonight, going to the Renaissance fair tomorrow, but I will probably be doing some hobby on my nights off, I'll blog more then.

Here's for now, though.  My nerve wracking adventure today was that I was almost hit by a car that was backing up.  I was walking through the parking lot, on a pedestrian crossing, into work.  It was about a half hour before the start of my shift, and right around the time that the previous shift was ending, so there were a lot of people leaving.  The parking lot right in front of the building can get a little backed up with people, and it was like that tonight.  There was a line of cars to the exit.  The one that almost backed into me was parked slightly on the crosswalk, so I went to go around behind him.  I don't know if he tried to go over the speed bumps and failed, or if he was just backing up, but he backed up about five feet, pretty quickly, and if I hadn't hurriedly done a few side/back steps, he would have hit me.  I hurried the rest of the way across.  There was a guy sitting in one of the cars parked neaby who saw, I don't know if he was just getting off, or waiting to start, but when he saw he said to me as I passed, "man, I would have kicked his car! You should kick his car!" 
I kind of ducked my head, muttered "I'm not that kind of person" and hurried the rest of the way in.
It's an interesting thing to see happen, though.  I always look before I cross, this guy was at a complete stop, with his break light on, when I started walking.  I have to wonder what line of events caused him to back up.  The guy in front of him was also at a complete stand still, and he was in the middle of a full parking lot.  There was literally no where to go.  There were cars in front of him, cars behind him, and cars parked on both sides.
Food for thought.
Maybe he just didn't like how I was walking.

Anywho, I've got to break my usual schedule and go to bed.  Getting up at a normal hour tomorrow to go to the Renaissance fair.


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