Friday, December 20, 2013

Out of body experience...while dish washing?

I just had the weirdest experience.

I was loading the dishwasher, and I sort of crouched to put silver wear in, and when I stood up it was like..
I dunno, almost like one of those dizzy spell headrush things, except my body was still moving to do dishes. 
But it was like I couldn't really feel anything, cause at one point my arm touched the faucet, which was running really hot water, and I didn't feel it at all.  
It was like some sort of out of body experience.  Really, really bizarre feeling.
It was as if I was no longer controlling my body.  It was just on autopilot, and I'd taken a step back to watch.

Might have something to do with me staying up till almost 6...but eh, probably not.
Also, my apologies for not writing more.
...Though I'm not entirely sure who I'm apologizing to..
Myself, maybe?

I'm sorry, self, that I haven't been writing more.

*sniffle* It's fine, I always knew you didn't love this part of yourself anyway.  

Aww, c'mon, self, don't be like that.  I'm writing now, aren't I?

*whipes eyes* I suppose.  It would feel better if you'd actually write more often though...

Eh, what can I say?  Without anyone reading, there's no one to please, so not really much of a point in doing it.

*sobbing* I can tell when I'm not wanted!!

What?! No, come back!

*door slams*



Sunday, December 15, 2013

Late night entries...or would that be early morning?

Well, here I am, blogging at 3:30 am.  Aren't you so proud of how much better I'm doing with this whole staying up late thing?
I mean, at least it's not 5:00, like last time...
All joking aside, I have been rather delinquent about getting all the things I need to do done.
I have to decorate the house, inside and out..along with the tree.  That's not decorated yet either..
Then along with that we have to clean the house, because relatives are coming over in a few days.  
And then, on top of that, I'm supposed to be sewing Christmas presents for my family and friends.
And, if that's not enough, I'm also supposed to make a video for my vlog.  

Of course, that last one is just one of the things I want to do, rather than one of the things I need to do...
Meh.  I'm going to bed...tomorrow is going to be a long day of decorating..and cleaning...and sewing..and probably not any video making..
Honestly, I'd be surprised if I even got past decorating...


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Life doesn't want me to vlog.

I was supposed to make a video today, but I just couldn't.  
I woke up at like 4:30, about two hours before my alarm.  
Then hung out in bed trying in vain to sleep a bit more before my alarm would go off.
Then I went to sew, which lasted until 1:00, which was when my sister came to pick me up.  
Then we went home, and I had to do dishes because my best friend was coming over to pick me up so we could go hang out.  
And here I am, at 6:45, not going to be home until late, and still no video.  
I am determined though.  December is extremely busy, but on the next semi free day, I will attempt to make a video.

Sorry it's taking so long..

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lessons, lessons, lessons.

Tuesdays are always extremely busy. We get up, Jared is supposed to practice, but he rarely does.  Then we rush lunch and head off to cello lessons.   
I rarely practice, so I regularly incur the wrath of my teacher.  Of course, it's not really wrath, but she would be happier if I practiced.
I honestly don't feel very bad about not practicing.  I still do well enough in my lessons, and it's not like I'm really working up towards anything in the musical world.  My position in both of my orchestras are pretty concrete.  I won't have to audition again any time soon.
Jared, though..Jared needs the practice.  
I'm not really sure why I'm bothering to write this down..

So, I know I was supposed to make a video yesterday, but Mondays are also very busy.  Latin,'s rather tragic.  
I will endeavor to record a video today after I get back from lessons.  Then I'll have the rest of the week to edit it.  
I'll try to work with just one editing app, then the next video I'll try a different one, till I've figured out which works best, and if I can work with my iPad.  Even if I discover that it won't work, I'll still make the videos on my iPad this time.  I like to try to stick to the "I'll try anything three times before saying I don't like it" thing.  

On a side note, still concerning my iPad, the case is out for delivery!  It was delayed because of weather, so instead of getting it on Friday like I was hoping for (and paid for faster shipping for), I'll hopefully be getting it on Tuesday.   I'm extremely looking forward to getting this case.  
It's supposed to be real cow leather, none of that sissy vegan leather for me.  I'm a real man.  😜
I personally love the smell and feel of leather.  
So, the case should be much like the case I had for my iPad 2, though, I don't know if the case that's coming has a place for a stylus.  
One thing I really like about it though is that the company that makes them is extremely good with customer service.  
When someone left a review with a suggestion about a way they could improve the case, they actually took it and improved it in all of their products, then sent the new and improved case to the person who left the review.  

Well, it's my turn for a lesson.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Sleeping is nice..except when it isn't..

Do you ever have those nights where you just have a terrible time of sleeping?
I mean, I'm a pretty decent sleeper.  Typically my problem is that I just go to bed really late.
But occasionally I have those nights where I very irritatingly wake up every hour on the hour.
It's extremely annoying.  I don't feel rested at all, and I slept until 12.  It's terrible.
And as far as I can tell, it's not because of any weird dreams or anything, cause typically I remember my dreams.  
It's just that every hour, on the hour, it's as if an alarm goes off in my head saying 

"you're going to be late! Get up! Get up! Get up!"

It's the kind of waking up where you bolt upright and are halfway out of bed before you realize what time it is.  
Then it's cold, because you're no longer in your nest of blankets, and it takes a long time to get back to sleep because of the abruptness of the wake up.

Well..that's my little post for this morning.  I may write later, but no guarantee.


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Overthinking things kinda sucks.

Well, today was fun.  
I woke up a little before 12:00, lounged around in bed for another half hour, and had a leisurely half hour to get ready and eat something before going off to the concert party thing.  It was really cold.
The practice was at 2:00, and the concert at 4:00.  It was outside.  The house we were at was owned by one of the people who conducts the symphonette orchestra, there's a tennis court, they have a pool with a great backyard, and, in the backyard there's this large square of grass where they have wooden panels to make a dance floor.  Pretty nice house.
We performed in the tennis court.  It was solos first, then duets, then the orchestra.  The whole concert in all probably didn't take more than 45 minutes, but it was a long, cold 45 minutes.  
After that, we went inside where there were drinks and snacks.  The drinks were soda, tea, and hot chocolate.  
For the snacks, there were lots of cookies, there was a vegetable tray, some brownies, a pan of lasagna (that didn't stay hot for long), and a crockpot with bean soup in it (which I got a rough recipe for, and intend to attempt to make at some point.  I'll write it down here so I don't forget.).

Three cans of any beans of your choice
Two cans of cream of mushroom soup
One green chili, finely chopped
Half an onion, finely chopped and sautéed
Cheese of your choice, to taste
Salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste

I talked with the mother of the bass player for a bit.  We actually had quite a nice conversation.  At some point durning the conversation, we got on the topic of shopping for clothes and shoes.  She suggested the stores Last Chance, and My Sister's Closet.  I've heard of My Sister's Closet, but not been to either that or the other.  Definitely something to look in to though.

So, the overthinking thing...since I started blogging again, which was like, not even a week ago...
I've wondered why I'm blogging again.  I blogged before because I thought it would be fun.  It wasn't really, in my opinion.
Then I blogged because a friend of mine also blogged, and we sort of encouraged each other to blog.  We made it a bit of a competition.
That didn't last long though, because to be honest, I didn't find his blogs very interesting.  I don't know if I'd still share the sentiment, but back when I was younger, his blogs were rather boring.  And likewise, I believed that my blogs were of no interest to him either.  
Then I started a vlog, and the few times I vlogged were because I watch a lot of vloggers on youtube, and I thought it looked fun.  
My problem with vlogging and blogging in general is that I don't really like sharing personal things on the Internet, because anyone can find them if they look hard enough.  Once it's on the Internet, it's no longer private.
But I like the idea of sharing.  I like the idea of someone reading my blog, or watching my vlog, and it making them smile, or laugh.  
Because sometimes I can be having a terrible day, and then I watch a vlogger, and it's just relaxing.  I can throw away my paltry problems for a moment and revel in the words or actions of another.  Sometimes all it takes to brighten my day is one vlogger making me smile.
And that might seem kind of odd.  Like, if your day is brightened by such a puny thing, then it's probably just as easily darkened with something of equal annoyance or irritation.  But it doesn't seem like that.  I don't know..I'm not really explaining this very well. 
But I suppose it doesn't really matter, after all, no one is reading this.
I don't know....
I've just been asking myself that since I started writing again..
Why bother to write or vlog if no one is reading or watching..?
I don't know.  Maybe it's that small possibility that someone will read or watch it, and it'll make them smile?
I've considered telling my friends that I'm blogging again, but they're not really who I want to read.  I don't really want my family reading either.
I'm not entirely sure why...
Maybe I feel like, if they read then I can't talk about them honestly? But I probably wouldn't talk about them in the first place...
Maybe I feel like they'll judge me, and they're the ones who's opinions I actually care about?
Eh, I'm not really sure..

Regardless, it's midnight, I should go to bed.
Lovely talking to you, as always.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Weekends are supposed to be relaxing..

Playing the Corelli Christmas concerto with the kiddie orchestra today at their concert.  
I was drafted in to do that because none of the cello section were able to do it.  
They also drafted me to play the rest of the concert because I'm playing the Corelli.  

Then, (of course) they're having a celebratory party tomorrow evening.  They'll (of course) have some kids perform, and they (of course) asked pearl and I to perform.  
So instead of just dropping Jared off like we intended, we have to stay.  The entire time.  
With a bunch of little orchestra kiddies and the few adults that run their orchestra.  

Well, I gotta go get ready for the something..get dressed...
I actually just woke up a few minutes ago.  I stayed up a little bit late last night.
Don't judge me.


Friday, December 6, 2013

Oh, how I hate getting up early..

So, I was supposed to get up at 6:45 this morning, but my alarm didn't wake me up until about 7:05.  The person who's been teaching me to sew was supposed to be there at 7:15 to pick me up, so I should have had 10 minutes of extra time, but she got there early.  
I hate being late.
I literally despise it.  Because I made an obligation.  I said I'd be ready.  And I wasn't.
It annoys me when other people do it, but honestly, it annoys me even more when I do it.  
Because really, if I can't be on time for things I planned, what can I do in life?
And it was really really cold this morning!  Getting out of bed and getting dressed was just torturous!  

Sewing was good though.  I'm making progress on being able to understand patterns.  
It's a bit like learning a foreign language.  
It all looks like gibberish at first, then you learn the terminology, figure out how everything goes in order, and it starts to make a bit more sense.  
I didn't have to ask for help interpreting the directions as much today, so that was nice.

Been playing some skyrim.  I started over (again) because of adding a few mods, and Dawnguard/Dragonborn. 
Going through the beginning quests is a bit tedious, I almost turned the difficulty up..
Then I figured that that would just slow me down in doing them, so I left it on normal.  

Hm..I kind of feel like canned peaches for dessert.  I'm off to get some.


Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's officially winter!

Well, not only is tonight supposed to be a freezing night, but we also had a fire!
It is lovely.  Warm, cozy, crackly in that way that all fires are.

Isn't it beautiful?

So, I broke, and bought dawnguard and dragonborn.  My sister was kind enough to offer me money for one, so it could be my Christmas present.  
I accepted, but she hasn't actually given me the money yet.  Needa get on that...
It was either that, or a body pillow, or footie pajamas.  
I was seriously leaning towards the footie pajamas.  
I might try to find a pattern (possibly to adapt to an adult size) and make myself some footie pajamas.
I just think it'd be fun to have footie pajamas.  
Don't judge me.

I'll try to remember to update about the adventure I had trying to buy a case for my iPad.  
It really wasn't actually an adventure..don't get your hopes up..

Well, I'm suitably warmed, now I need to go start the process of feeding the buddies (my sugar gliders.  Wheatley and Sheldon.).  

Then it's off to bed for me.  Sewing tomorrow.
...or..I guess today...darn...less than six hours of sleep will be had by me..yaaaay....
Typically takes a long time for me to get ready for bed, cause I'm very easily distracted.  
We have two very adorable cats, and they like to demand attention.  
It's a tough life.


Oh the woes of not being up to date.

I've been playing skyrim lately, and I wanted to get a few mods, but lo and behold, I don't have all the recent downloadable content.  
I have hearthfire, because I thought it would be fun to be able to adopt some of the kids.  Turns out you can only adopt two.  
The mod I want is actually one that will allow me to adopt up to six children.  Can you just imagine? Coming back from a rough adventure that may or may not include killing the emperor, and hearing the pitter patter of six children running to greet you and asking you to play a game with them?  
I, of course, would also need to get a house that could house them all.  That's what requires all the dlc.  
The ones I don't have are dawnguard and dragonborn, and they're like $20 each!  
Hearthfire was cheap, it was like $5!  
Why must it be so expensive to have a life in a game?  Why? 

*crying sad tears of sorrow and depression*

Seriously considering just buying them both...
I mean..
come on...
it's only $40 bucks...
I'll make that back teaching cello lessons in two weeks...
And think about the entertainment value I'll get for that $40 bucks!  It'll be phenomenal. 
Anywho, that's this quick little update.  
I've got to go give my sister a massage, cause that's what I used to bribe her into helping me with skyrim.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The sun is shining, and the tank is clean!.........The tank is clean!!!

Yeaah..there's not really any meaning behind that title.  I just felt like it.

So, it is now 12:35, and I literally just woke up a few minutes ago.  That's what I get for staying up past 5:00, I guess.
Ok..I want to start making videos again, but I'm really bad about editing them.  Not necessarily bad "at" editing them, though I'm sure I'm not great.  I'm just bad "about" editing them.  Meaning I take a really long time.  
And because I take a really long time, I put it off, and put it off some more, giving myself the excuse 

"well, I don't have time to do it all right now, I should wait until I can do it all in one go.".

I'm tentatively planning the making of next weeks video though.  
I'll make the video on Monday, hopefully before or after Latin, then I'll get it uploaded that night, 
get the format changed either that night or the next day, and have the rest of the week to edit and post it.
Brilliant, right?
Oh hush...stop judging me.

Maybe I should try taking that video on my new iPad...
I don't really know anything about video editing on an iPad though.
Might be fun to experiment.  After all, I could take the video editing with me if it was on my iPad.
Guilt myself into editing. 
Hah, this is sounding like a good idea.

Right, well, this has been delightful.  I'm rather hungry though, I haven't eaten breakfast.
...Or lunch.
But hey, at least I actually posted, right?  For all of you invisible readers who clamor for boring write ups of my life?
It's nice to know you care.


Post número uno!

Such Spanish.
So amazing.
Yeah, yeah...I have a tumblr account, don't judge me.

So, exciting news, and I'm not talking about this being the first post of hopefully many to come.  
I got a new iPad!  
(Insert amazing sound effects here) ;P

An iPad Air!  Yaaaay! 
As you can clearly tell, I am quite pleased with this. 
Long story short, my sister broke her iPad mini, so my dad said he'd go in half for a new one for a Christmas present.  Then I kind of (not-so-subtly) subtly hinted that I'd like a new iPad, and clearly he responded positively to that idea because I now have a new one.

But Alyssa, it's not Christmas yet!  Why do you have it already?
Good question, perfectly timed question asking person.  
And no, it's actually a good question...I'm just's 4:40 AM, don't judge me.
So, the reason that I have it already is mainly because I'm demanding and have a "want it now" attitude, when it comes to electronics.
I mean, I'm reasonably patient when it comes to waiting for things like video games.
...except..not really.
Or, hey, I'm patient when it comes to hats.
...unless I know I'm going to get it eventually, then I also have a "want it now" attitude...
Erm...well, I'm patient
Yeaaaaah....nope, not really anything coming to mind.  I'm sure there is something though.  I least one something....maybe.
I am kind of an impatient person.
Who knew, right?

Ok, that's long enough.  It's about 4:50.  I swear, I'm not a slow typer, or writer.  I'm just...easily distracted.
I'll try to remember to post again.  