Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Job hunting sucks.

So you know those goals we set for ourselves?  Mine was "I'll have a job and move out by 18".
Boy did that one fail.  
So then, my next one was "I'll have a job and be moved out by 20"
That one is pretty much a fail.  I'm going to turn 20 next month, and no job.
I started job searching before I turned 18, and almost two years later I haven't gotten a single call back.
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or if I just have awful luck.

Primarily I've been putting applications in online, because whenever I go places and ask for applications, they always say they do online applications.
Maybe that's just a polite rejection..?
I'd love to get into bartending.  My aunt was a bartender at my age, she said it was a great experience and decent money for the hours.
I was thinking about taking a bartending class, but the only places that had classes were like an hour away from me, and while I do have a license, I do not have insurance or a car.  So I'd have to figure out the bus system, and it'd take like two and a half hours to get there, then however long the class is, there were a few that were a couple hours, a few that were basically all day, and then I'd have to get home.  If I took the all day classes, would the buses even be running still?
So, I didn't actually do that, as you can see, there were some issues.

I ended up buying an online course thing, learn at your own pace kind of thing.  
The problem with that is that I have to practice on my own, and I'm very bad at that.

The next job I'd like, if I can't get bartending, is waitressing or being a barback.  Tips, and the possibility of being able to move up to bartending at some point is very appealing to me.

But at this point, two years of job searching, I'm very discouraged.  I'm literally putting in applications everywhere nearby.
It has to be nearby, because I don't have a car. 

I actually sort of had a possible bartending job lined up...I became friends with a guy on an online dating site who was opening his own bar.
It was in the same vicinity as the bartending schools, though.  Like, an hour away by car.  I kind of feel bad that I let that opportunity slip by.

Sigh.  Well, there's not really any point in dwelling.  
He's holding interviews tomorrow, and I haven't practiced enough bartending to be comfortable trying.  
Not that I could get there, anyway.  
That ship has sailed.

I think I'll start working harder on the lessons I got from the online bartending course.  
It has two quizzes and a test that you can take once you're comfortable, and then they supposedly help you get a job bartending.
As far as I know it's just that they find local bartending opportunities and tell you about them.  Not a guaranteed job or anything.

Anyway, enough rambling.
I'll write more later.


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