Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The sun is shining, and the tank is clean!.........The tank is clean!!!

Yeaah..there's not really any meaning behind that title.  I just felt like it.

So, it is now 12:35, and I literally just woke up a few minutes ago.  That's what I get for staying up past 5:00, I guess.
Ok..I want to start making videos again, but I'm really bad about editing them.  Not necessarily bad "at" editing them, though I'm sure I'm not great.  I'm just bad "about" editing them.  Meaning I take a really long time.  
And because I take a really long time, I put it off, and put it off some more, giving myself the excuse 

"well, I don't have time to do it all right now, I should wait until I can do it all in one go.".

I'm tentatively planning the making of next weeks video though.  
I'll make the video on Monday, hopefully before or after Latin, then I'll get it uploaded that night, 
get the format changed either that night or the next day, and have the rest of the week to edit and post it.
Brilliant, right?
Oh hush...stop judging me.

Maybe I should try taking that video on my new iPad...
I don't really know anything about video editing on an iPad though.
Might be fun to experiment.  After all, I could take the video editing with me if it was on my iPad.
Guilt myself into editing. 
Hah, this is sounding like a good idea.

Right, well, this has been delightful.  I'm rather hungry though, I haven't eaten breakfast.
...Or lunch.
But hey, at least I actually posted, right?  For all of you invisible readers who clamor for boring write ups of my life?
It's nice to know you care.


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